Happy Fathers Day from Sgt. Tin Hut!
As a military parent, I spent a good deal of time far from home and away from family. During those times, while other soldiers would scoop up trinkets and souvenirs to send or bring home, I collected recipes of interesting and delicious dishes from around the country and throughout the world. I brought them home as a way to connect with my children by sharing my passion for cooking, and as a way to include them in my experiences away from the family, and we continue to enjoy a number of those dishes today. In honor of Fathers Day, I’d like to share with you one of our family favorites, Rouladen, a recipe I brought back from Germany. Click her to see the recipe and story behind it:
If you’re planning to hit the grill this Fathers Day, be sure to celebrate safely with this handy infographic for safe grilling:
Need some recipe ideas this Fathers Day? Check out these Tried And True Recipes from Cookshack:
Tried & True Recipes
Beef Recipes
Pork Recipes
Poultry Recipes
Seafood Recipes
Side Dishes
Other Meat Recipes